What is Bad Debt Credit Card?

Money Matters
Bad debt credit card is basically a credit card that the credit card suppliers offer to the people who have bad debt. Did that astonish you? Well, don’t let your thoughts run just yet.
You can classify bad debt credit cards into 2 categories based on what you understand by bad debt credit card. The first category of bad debt credit cards is those credit cards that are secured (and are also known as secured credit cards). These bad debt credit cards require a security i.e. you have to open (and maintain) a bank account with the bad debt credit card supplier. The credit limit on your bad debt credit card is calculated as a percentage of the balance you hold in the bank account you have opened with bad debt credit card supplier. Generally, this is 50-100% of your bank account balance. So, this bad debt credit card enables you to spend the amount you hold in your bank account; only the way you spend it changes (i.e. instead of spending that as cash you spend it using your bad debt credit card). So bad debt credit card lets you enjoy the convenience and other benefits that are associated with credit cards, even with a bad debt. This security is as such important for the bad debt credit card supplier; after all how can you trust someone who has a bad credit rating.
The other category of bad debt credit cards are nothing unusual, they are the same cards that we know of most commonly; the only difference is in the way you get them and the objective behind getting them. Here, we are talking about the credit cards that you use as a debt consolidation mechanism i.e. consolidating bad debt (as such any debt is bad). So we can call them bad debt credit cards too. These operate by transferring of the balance you owe on your current, high interest credit cards to these bad debt credit cards that have a lower APR (at least for some initial period). Hence, these bad debt credit cards help you in consolidating your debt and getting some relief from the higher APR that you were experiencing on your current card.
Some people accept both of the above categories of credit cards as bad debt credit cards while others tend to go with one or the other. So, what you regard as a bad debt credit card is really a matter of personal choice.


A problem called ‘Credit Card Debt ‘

portrait of a young woman pulling her hair
Credit cards are no more a luxury, they are almost a necessity. So, you would imagine a lot of people going for credit cards. In fact, a lot of people posses more than one credit cards. So, the credit card industry is growing by leaps and bounds. However, the credit card industry and credit card holders are posed with a big problem called ‘Credit Card Debt’. In order to understand what ‘credit card debt’ actually means, we need to understand the workflow associated with the use of credit cards as such.
Credit cards, as the name suggests, are cards on which you can get credit i.e. make borrowings (your credit card debt). Your credit card is a representative of the credit account that you hold with the credit card supplier. Whatever payments you make using your credit card are actually your borrowings that contribute towards your credit card debt. Your total credit card debt is the total amount you owe credit card supplier. You must settle your credit card debt on a monthly basis. So, you receive a monthly statement or your credit card bill which shows your total credit card debt. You must pay off your credit card debt by the payment due date failing which you will incur late fee and interest charges. However, you have the option of making a partial (minimum) payment too, in which case you don’t incur late fee but just the interest charges on your credit card debt. If you don’t pay off your credit card debt in full, the interest charges too get added to it. So your credit card debt keeps on increasing, more so because the interest rates on credit card debt are generally higher than the interest rates on other kind of loans/borrowings. Further, the interest charges add on to your credit card debt each month to form the new balance or the new credit card debt amount. If you continue making partial payments (or no payments) the interest charges are calculated afresh on the new credit card debt. So you end up paying interest on the last month’s interest too. Thus your credit card debt accumulates rapidly and soon you find that what was once a relatively small credit card debt has ballooned into a big amount which you find almost impossible to pay. Moreover, if you don’t still control your spending habits, your credit card debt rises even faster. This is how the vicious circle of credit card debt works.


Collection Process on Personal Loans

IOU and receipts pinned to cork board
Personal loans are available for a variety of uses. Most individuals who obtain them have every intention of repaying them as outlined in the terms of the loan. However, we all know that life can have plans for us that differ from what we envision for ourselves. There are also individuals out there who suck the life from any financial resource available, with absolutely no intention of repaying the funds.

There are many courses of action lenders can take in an effort to collect unpaid personal loans. If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t repay your personal loan, it is in your best interest to contact the lender immediately. They are more willing to work with you than to turn you into collections. Being honest about your situation will help them explore all the available options with you. In some cases, you can revise the loan to have lower payments or even skip a few payments without it causing a negative impact on your credit report.

The collection process for each lender is different. It is an area you should familiarize yourself with prior to accepting the terms of the loan. If you obtained a personal loan using the assistance of collateral attached to the personal loan or a co-signer than you in a dire situation that requires your attention to remedy it as quickly as possible.

Most creditors don’t care who repays the loan, as long as the funds get paid. Therefore, they have every intention of holding a co-signer liable for the balance due on the loan when the borrower is in default. The creditor may still desire to pursue legal action against the borrower. This can be done by taking the borrower to court. However, due to the time and cost involved they will likely just choose to pursue the co-signer for the funds. If a co-signer refuses to pay, then the creditor is likely to take both the borrower and co-signer to court or send the account to a collection agency.

Neither option works well for the borrower or co-signer. Court costs are expensive and you may need to pay for legal representation. The court can mandate you pay a set amount of money each month, or face the consequences of the legal system. Collection agencies generally will continually hound both the borrower and co-signer with phone calls and letters. They can also choose to garnish your paycheck, greatly reducing the amount of take home income you have.

Secured personal loans that go into default mean the creditor will be taking the asset you tied into the loan. This can be property, a vehicle, or other type of asset. Keep in mind that just because they have that asset, your loan may not be settled. Often, they will sell the asset for whatever amount they can get, and then apply that amount towards the balance due. The remaining balance will still be your responsibility, thus it could result in court proceedings or collections.

To prevent your personal loan from spiraling out of control, make sure you only borrow the amount of money you absolutely need. This will help keep your monthly payments low. Budget each month for repayment of your personal loan. If you have extra funds, consider paying in advance or placing the money into a savings account for emergencies.

Lenders find court proceedings and collections a costly and time consuming part of doing business. They will also collect on any collateral you put forth to secure the loan. They don’t enjoy it, but will take such action as means of recovering the money they lend. It is very important that you contact your lender immediately if you are not able to make a payment. This will allow them to work with you before the issue gets out of control. If you find a lender can’t help you, consider contacting a consumer counseling agency for further assistance.


Card Credit Debt Settlement Agency

Credit card bill
Should I use an agency for credit card debt settlement?

Some people like to deal with their credit card debt all by themselves. However, some people do use credit card debt settlement agency. There can be various reasons for going for a credit card debt settlement agency. Some people use a credit card debt settlement agency because they are not comfortable in dealing with credit card debt settlement by themselves. Some go for a credit card debt settlement agency because they don’t have the time to do the research and evaluate options for credit card debt settlement. Others just want professional advice and hence they contact credit card debt settlement agency.

Whatever be the reason for employing a credit card debt settlement agency, a good credit card debt settlement agency would surely be of help. However, it’s important that you select a good credit card debt settlement agency. Do not fall for ads of credit card debt settlement agencies that promise to wipe off your debt overnight. No credit card debt settlement agency or anyone else can do that. You should select a credit card debt settlement agency which has verifiable credentials or a credit card debt settlement agency that you know has a good reputation. If some friend has been through this process previously, they might be able to recommend a credit card debt settlement agency to you. Sometimes you will find ads that promise impossible things and ask you to call a telephone number that’s a premium line. So beware, or else you might end up paying heavy phone bills that would just add to your debt. Some credit card debt settlement agencies might be having a very low fee but no reputation. These are again the credit card debt settlement agencies that you should avoid. However, once you find a reputable credit card debt settlement agency, do not try to hide debt related information from them, no matter how bad your debt it. That is another reason for looking for a reputable credit card debt settlement agency. If the credit card debt settlement agency is not a reputable one, you would not be able to trust them; and trust is very important here otherwise you will neither be able to tell them the full story and nor follow their advice. That said, it’s important to note that no credit card debt settlement agency will be able to help you if you are not ready to help yourself. So, follow the advice given by credit card debt settlement agency and practice good spending habits.


After Paying Off Credit Card Debt

Credit card cut into mulitple pieces beside scissors, close-up
Credit card debt is a very big problem that is being faced by a lot of people who have been irresponsible and undisciplined in the use of their credit card. Though some might have landed up with credit card debt due to some unfortunate event/emergency in their life, most people carry a credit card debt due to their own wrong doings (i.e. wrong usage of their credit card debt). There are a lot of ways to pay off credit card debt and a lot of people do achieve this feat (i.e. are able to pay off credit card debt). Surely, to be able to pay off credit card debt is really a great achievement in itself for not everyone is able to pay off credit card debt. It takes a lot of discipline, restraint, planning and perseverance to finally pay off credit card debt. However, there is more to paying off credit card debt then just being able to pay off credit card debt.

Here we are talking about the life after you pay off credit card debt successfully. As mentioned before, of all the people that try to pay off credit card debt not everyone is able to pay off credit card debt i.e. there are some failures too. However, some people fail after they have succeeded in paying off credit card debt. These are those people who let themselves loose and go on a spending spree as soon as they pay off credit card debt. Soon, these people again land up with a credit card debt and are again trying to pay off credit card debt. So, it’s not enough to just pay off credit card debt, it’s equally important to maintain a debt-free status even after you pay off credit card debt; only then can you enjoy a stress-free life in the world of credit cards. So learn your lessons well and do not let yourself loose on the path to another credit card debt. Most of the rules that you followed when you were trying to pay off credit card debt, will also hold good after you have paid off your credit card debt. Here is a quick synopsis of things that you should take care of even after you pay off credit card debt:

1) Do not overspend. Yielding to the sale offers for something that you don’t really need, is a big mistake that leads to overspending

2) Always remain within 70% of your credit limit.

3) Make credit card bill payments in time and in full.

4) Don’t hold more than 2 credit card accounts (two are enough for anyone)

These are just very basic things; you can add more based on your own experience and knowledge.


Comparing Credit Cards

Part of a Credit Card
All across the United States, there are hundreds and hundreds of banks and credit card companies looking for your business. This day and age, banks and credit card companies are in competition with each other, trying all they can to get your business. To try and get your business, they offer different credit cards with various incentives, rebates, and other perks.

Before you make your decision and choose a credit card, you should always compare what each company or bank has to offer you. If you get an offer in the mail for a credit card, you should go on the Internet and look into it more. You should also make sure that you read the fine print as well, to see if there are any type of hidden fees or other costs associated with that card. Many times, with offers in the mail, credit card companies or banks will try to sneak hidden fees and costs in there.

When you start to compare offers, you should make sure that you look at the APR and the fees. The APR is very important, as this will tell you your interest rate. You want to get the lowest APR possible with your credit card. If you look at a credit card that has an unusually high APR, you should immediately rule it out. Credit cards that come with high APR rates can easily lead you on a roller coaster towards credit card debt. No matter how good your credit may be, high APR rates can leave you with charges that are really difficult to pay.

Among the many options available to you, you’ll have three primary choices for your credit card - Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. These three giants are the leaders in credit cards. Visa and MasterCard don’t issue the cards themselves, they have banks and other companies issue on their behalf. American Express, or AMEX, is the only one that does everything themselves. AMEX issues their credit cards, maintains their own networks, and doesn’t use any type of third party.

If you like to travel, you will probably want to choose either Visa or MasterCard, as they are accepted all over the world. American Express is the least accepted of the three, although the company is upgrading their networks every chance they get. Before too long, AMEX will be accepted virtually everywhere. Right now though, AMEX isn’t accepted in all areas of the world.

Discover is another type of credit card, although it isn’t near as popular as the three above. Discover does have some great benefits to offer you, although it isn’t accepted in other parts of the world. Most people who have Discover credit cards stay local and use their cards in the event of an emergency. If you don’t have a credit card and have been thinking about getting a Discover card, you should really think about that decision and choose either Visa or MasterCard instead.

All in all, there are a lot of credit cards to choose from. That final decision though, is entirely up to you. There are a lot of great companies and banks out there, although it’s up to you to find the best credit card for your needs. You can choose to go with a company or bank that’s local to you, or get online and look for your credit card. The Internet can be a great resource for credit cards, as long as you know what you want. If you know what you want before you go online - you’ll save yourself a lot of time and money.


Choosing Your Credit Card

As you probably already know, there are many credit cards out there. The one you choose however, should reflect your lifestyle and your ideal spending amounts. If you are looking for the best possible deal and the best company for your credit card, you’ll obviously need to look around at what you have to choose from and what works best for you.

The first thing you’ll need to decide when choosing your credit card, is why you need one in the first place. Some people choose to get a credit card for cash flow purposes. With a credit card, you can make purchases and buy things, leaving your paycheck or other source of income in your bank account to draw interest. This way, your money will continue to grow while you continue to buy the things you need. Then at the end of the month, simply pay your bill.

Others will choose to get a credit card and use it for instant cash purposes. This way, they can use their credit card at an ATM and get instant cash, which is great for travel or going on a long and extended vacation. If this is why you want a credit card, you should look for one that has the lowest rate possible for instant cash transactions.

With a credit card, you’ll also need to think about the payments. You’ll need to decide if you want to pay the balance in full each month, or only the required amount. When you select your credit card, you should look at the introductory rates, balance transfer rates, and other offers that may apply to new credit cards and new holders. Some will offer you truly amazing deals, especially if you have good credit.

Another important area to look at when choosing your credit card is the incentives. There are several cards out there that will give you incentives, such as reward points and even cash back with purchases that you can use towards paying back what you owe. There are several incentives out there with credit cards, all you have to do is look around and compare.

The key area you’ll need to look at and compare is the APR (Annual Percentage Rate). The APR is what you will pay on what you purchase when the incentive period runs out. APR rates will vary among credit cards, so it is always in your best interest to compare and shop around. The lower APR rate you get, the better off you’ll be.

Another concern with choosing your credit card is the minimum payment amount. Most minimum payment balances will start around 3%, although some can be lower while others tend to be quite a bit higher. The interest free period is a concern as well, as you will obviously want to choose the longest period that you can keep the payments down.

When you make that final decision and choose your credit card, you should always make sure that you know exactly what you are getting. Credit cards are great to have, although they can lead to a downfall if you don’t choose them carefully. If you put some time and research into choosing your credit card, you’ll find the best one for you. As long as you take care of your credit card and pay the bill on time, you’ll help raise your credit and eventually be able to purchase even bigger things - such as a car or even a house.


The Air Mile Credit Card

Air mile credit cards give you points or miles with every purchase you make, which you can redeem for traveling related expenses. In most cases, you can use your points or miles to get a free airline ticket to travel to a destination of your choice. Frequent flyers can use those very miles or points to redeem your reward faster.

There are a lot of companies out there that offer air mile cards. You can choose to get one online, through a bank, or even a credit card company. Each one is unique, and offers it’s own unique set of features. Before you select your card, you should always look at different companies and compare them as well. Normally, you will get a point or mile for every dollar you spend. You’ll also want to look at blackout dates as well, as many companies have decided to drop them and their expiration dates completely.

You will also want to find out what type of purchases you make with your card give you reward miles. Some purchases that you make may not be included in your reward incentives, which is why you’ll want to find out what purchases are and aren’t included. The bigger purchase items, such as televisions and furniture may have more miles included, which is why you’ll want to inquire.

Another area of importance is the interest rate. You should look deeper into the air mile credit card that you are interested in and find out how much the interest rates are and if there are any annual fees to using the card. Although your rewards may sound great, you don’t want to pay too much in fees or an annual rate just to reap the benefits.

Even though they have been around for many years, air mile credit cards are very popular for those like to travel. These cards can also help you with rental cars and hotel expenses as well, as long as you use the points you have accumulated by using your card. The get the most out of an air mile credit card, you should use your card on a frequent basis. You can really rack up the points if you purchase everything with your credit card - instead of using cash.

Air mile credit cards are great to have, as long as you don’t end up paying an arm and a leg in fees, and the annual rate isn’t that high. If you check into what each manufacturer offers, you can normally get a great deal. Also, make sure that find out what other rewards are included with the air mile credit card you get as well - as this can help you to make your decision when you finally decide to get the card.


American Express Credit Cards

Federal Government Grants American Express Bank Holding Status
Also known as AMEX, American Express is easily one of the most recognized names in the world of credit cards. Even though many people have Visa or MasterCard credit cards, they are still interested in AMEX. With Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX being the most popular and preferred types of credit cards, they are all great although there are also differences between them as well.

Both Visa and MasterCard are methods of payment. Both will allow different businesses to accept credit card payments using their systems. Neither of the two issue credit cards on their own behalf, instead they rely on banks throughout the world to issue the credit cards for them, provide the credit, and then charge the interest. Your credit card bill goes to the bank, as Visa or MasterCard doesn’t see any of it.

AMEX on the other hand, is very different. American Express has their own payment system, and they also issue their credit cards directly to consumers. Unlike Visa and MasterCard, AMEX runs the entire show. Therefore, when a credit card says American Express on it, you instantly know who has issued the card, what payment system it has, and everything else you would need to know.

Even though MasterCard and Visa are used more throughout the world, American Express is always expanding their networks. Visa and MasterCard are used in over twenty five million locations over the world, including third world countries, which makes them global credit card payments. AMEX on the other hand, doesn’t quite reach this degree. It is a great credit card, although it isn’t used around the world in areas where the other 2 dominant credit cards are.

You can get AMEX credit cards with rewards, although you’ll need to be careful where you look and what you select. Normally, with Visa and MasterCard, you’ll have to look at hundreds of banks before you can find the best choice. With AMEX, you can look at their website and find out what they offer and what type of APR you’ll have to pay. Most of the time, you can find a credit card with low interest and a great spending limit - providing you have good credit.

AMEX also has several advantages that it offers customers in North America and Europe. The credit card is accepted widely in both areas, offering you credit cards with great features and very attractive looks. AMEX offers you great rates, good rewards, and excellent customer service as well.

American Express also offers you Blue, which is a newly introduced credit card that offers you increased security, no annual fee, and 0% APR for the first year or so. Depending on your credit, you may be able to get an extended period with no interest. After that time has expired, you pay low fees, which makes it a great credit card for anyone looking for a deal. Blue is the newest card from AMEX, and will rapidly become one of the best - due to it’s amazing features.

In the world of credit cards, American Express is one of the best. They offer you a variety of different credit cards, designed to meet just about everyone’s needs. You find them online or through a local provider, although online is the preferred way to go. Simply fill out your application, and if you have good credit, you’ll be approved. Before you know it, you’ll have a credit card from AMEX - and be ready to experience life in the fast lane.


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